Monday, January 28, 2013

Has this happened to you?

I was just stitching along on the over one part of my Emma Miles Sampler when I realized I used the wrong color for my Adam and Eve!  I checked my Floss-a-way bags and sure enough...2611 was in 2612 bag and 2612 was in 2611 bag!  YIKES!

If there is one thing a strongly dislike it is frogging over one! Plus, I had already stitched other areas of the sampler with the wrong AVAS thread color.  At least that part is over two and I will clean that up later!

So, I picked the over one wrong color out and put in the correct color!  So, here is a picture of the area I was wrestling with:

At least it's over for now;)

Back to Happy Stitches,



Margaret said...

Such a bummer! I'm so glad it's fixed now. So pretty!

Kathy said...

Oh! Holly, I hate to hear this. So sorry the old frog had to pay you a visit, but looks like you're back on track. And, it's beautiful! You are really making good progress.

Melissa said...

Well, Emma is looking lovely even if you had to frog that dreaded over ones!

Chris said...

So sorry! I hate that.
Emma is looking lovely.

Mary said...

Oh Holly what a shame. I feel your pain - I think I'd rather stick the needle right in my eye than have to pick out much 40 county over one.

Still though, Miss Emma is such a charming piece, hang in with her!

Nicola said...

My heart goes out to you but I admire you for correcting the error, unpicking over 1 is sooooo hard.

Jean said...

Oh how frustrating, your work is lovely

Linda said...

Yep, it has happened to me! Just recently in fact - and on an Adam and Eve sampler - hmmm...
I am so happy I realized it before I stitched more than I had!

Linda in VA