Monday, February 25, 2013

Manifesto Sunday #3 & Ann Bowers Sampler Progress

Good Morning, Everyone!

Two weeks to Daylight Savings Time....Hurry Up!

I spent yesterday (Sunday) on The Manifesto! I thought I would just breeze through all the background work!  Unfortunately, that was not the case.  I will have another Sunday of background work!  I refuse to go to the next page chart until it is all done!  I know if I start skipping ahead, I will only want to stitch the objects and not want to do the background....if I do that, I will never finish this sampler!

Below is my progress from yesterday:

I also worked on my Ann Bowers Sampler during last week.  I am making progress and I just love this sampler.  Here ya go:

Well, that is all for now, I will touch base next Monday!

Happy Stitches,



llknbillburg said...

Wow Holly! You are making such wonderful progress on both of these pieces! I have my Ann finished to the point of this months assignment and that is it. I haven't been able to start Mani yet since I am still working on a birthday piece but you have me chomping at the bit!! I am going to get to work right now!!!

Margaret said...

Both are just gorgeous! I'm in love. I might have to break down and join that Ann Bowers stitch a long very late in the game. lol!

Kathy said...

Ann is beautiful and you are really making great progress on Manifesto! Don't blame you for doing the background as you go. I couldn't imagine having to do all that fill in afterwards, lol.

Nicola said...

Holly, your stitching is perfection and I am in awe.

I am thrilled to be stitching alongside you and one day I hope to try silk gauze. It was very different to how I imagined it to be.

teresa said...

Holly ~ I am enjoying your progress. I am considering the silk gauze. Are you making a 1/2 cross stitch ~ like a tent stitch? or are you making a full X?