Sunday, November 27, 2011
I have been a very bad girl.........
With all the Christmas stitching, BAP's and model stitching I should be doing, I have gone and started a NEW project! I just couldn't resist! Stitching patience is NOT one of my virtues!
Over the last several months, I have been eyeing Jardin Prive's Sampler aux Bouquets! I love it's simplicity, colors and overall general appeal! It lifts my spirits when I look at it....In other's been "calling" me.
So, last Wednesday I did the deed and bought the charts. Of course, you can get the charts as pdf's from Nathalie Cichon, the designer! I paid via the internet and the next thing I knew, the charts were in my email box to print! Now, that was fast! Talk about instant gratification! There were no long waits or big shipping costs from Europe!
I printed out my charts, pilferred through my stash to find the DMC threads and to select my fabric. I have a 1/2 yard of 40 count ivory ricamo and selected that as my ground!
I have been running around a lot on this Thanksgiving holiday; however I have had a bit of time to do a little stitching and guess what I worked on? You got it, Sampler aux Bouquets!
Have you ever been so tempted by a piece tht you just couldn't stop your self from getting it started?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Liberty Hill Halloween Tray and Scissor Block

Every Halloween I purchase the item that Liberty Hill comes out with for the season. This year it is a tray and scissors block! I really like it! It's very functional! I even have those spider web scissors that are shown in the block!
I haven't decided what to stitch up for Halloween yet...Every year I do at least one Halloween piece....If you have any small size suggestions, please leave me a comment. I did do the Primitive Hare's "Witch" Keychain. You can see a picture of that on a previous post!
Friday, September 16, 2011
My Yo-Yo Pincushion

Yesterday my guild (Virginia Guild of Needlewomen) started the new year! Our program was to make a Yo-Yo Sachet! I've never made a Yo-Yo, of course, I had signed up for the project. What a simple and fun class to take! I was almost able to finish it in class! The project called for a blanket stitched edge....I had just recently purchased some scalloping edged scissors and I thought this project would be great to try them out! So, instead of the blanket stitched edge, I scalloped the edges and did a running stitch to close!
Thanks Sharon and Laura for a wonderful class!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Sorry to be gone so long.....
What a busy summer I have had! I'm sorry to have been gone so long...I have been making use of my time though! In the picture above, there are three quick projects I have recently done.
The biscornu on the spool is a Sue Hillis Class Project. She came to my guild's (Gentle Pursuits EGA) Christmas in August event. Sue is a delightful teacher and we had fun stitching up this lovely project. I was able to complete it within a week of the class!
The wooden thread keeper is an Erica Micheal's pattern done on 40 count silk gauze. I put it on this cute thread board that I had purchased awhile back. The threads are Belle Soie.
Last, but not least is a little keychain I whipped up this morning. The "witch" chart is a freebie from The Primitive Hare. I ran to Walmart this morning to pick up a key chain fob for it...and I found these cute round charms to add! What do you think? The Thread is WDW Charcoal and the linen is a 40 count scrap from a grab bag purchase from Vikki Clayton's HDF website!
I must have been having lots of fun while I was away!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
President's Mystery Challenge Results!
I have mentioned before my guild's (Va. Guild of Needlewomen) President's Mystery Project...I thought I would share with you the members of my guild who completed the project! Above is a picture! There are several other members who are "working" on the project...When they have completed there's, I will post them, too!
Now, I have to figure out the President's Mystery Project for next year!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Done....Fabric Covered Box!
This past Saturday my guild (Virginia Guild of Needlewomen) had our end of the year "May Luncheon". The program was to learn how to make a fabric covered box!
It is all hand laced and hand sewn. You could put a stitched design on top if you liked. Since this was the first time I had done this, I didn't want to ruin a perfectly good stitched piece....So, I chose to just use fabric.
I finished my box last night! What do you think?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The President's Mystery Project Revealed!
As 2010-11 President of the Virginia Guild of Needlewomen, I created a Mystery Project for our members to follow monthly throughout our year. I started with the chart in September and will finish with the final finishing instructions this month! I hope everyone in the guild enjoyed the project as much as I did!
I am ready to reveal the mystery........
What do you think?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Lady Jane's Garden Online Class thru Shining Needle
I am in the online class for Jackie duPlessis's Lady Jane's Garden through the Shining Needle Society Yahoo Group!
I have completed the pre-stitching for this class and am looking forward to the finishing section in May!
Since I have completed the pre-stitching, it's time to go back to several other projects that are "in the works". Like.......Elizabeth Mears Sampler, Pam Darney's Richmond Sampler, Essamplaire's Richmond Sampler and Merry Cox's It's a Beautiful Day in Williamsburg.
I also have several projects that are on the finishing pile; Sherri Jones' Blue Ribbon Box, Merry Cox's Americana Needle Case (another Shining Needle Online Class) and Brightneedle's "Goes bump in the night" Needlecase.
I have fully completed my guild's (Virginia Guild of Needlewomen) President's Mystery Project! I will post a picture of that in the near future!
I so wish I was RETIRED! I've got about 13 more years to go!
In Stitches,
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Garden Variety Long Pocket!!!
Well, I have been meaning to post a picture of my completed Garden Variety Long Pocket, but......I have been tied up with other obligations!
I finally have a "quiet" day. So, I will take this moment a post a picture!
I did the finishing class with Sherri Jones on Sunday, February 6th! It was a wonderful class! Sherri is an awesome teacher and a delightful person!
Now, I'm working on several other projects...I need to complete the finishing on my Blue Ribbon Box by Sherri Jones! I'm stitching on the Elizabeth Mears Sampler by Queenstown Samplers and I am about to begin the Shining Needle's Class with Jackie duPlessis - Lady Jane's Garden!
I also need to get my sewing room organized! I have about 9 DMC boxes that I need to use to get my threads in some kind of order!
What have you been up to?
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Now, I know we will see alot of blocking during the NFL playoffs this afternoon, but this is not the kind of blocking I am talking about today! I'm talking about the kind of blocking you do to square up your stitching project.
I have completed the stitching on Sherri Jones' Garden Variety Long Pocket for a class I am taking from her in two weeks. In her instructions, she recommends blocking the pocket piece. This makes me nervous! I hesitate when it comes to spraying silk threads!
Well, I've taken the plunge! This morning I placed my piece face down, pinned it to my June Tailor Cut 'n Press Board and sprayed away! I am a tight stitcher. So, I know I will need to repeat this blocking several times!
Do you ever block your stitched pieces? Sherri didn't recommend ironing to a square position.
I'll keep you informed on how it turns out!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2011 is going to be a "Blue Ribbon" Year!
Happy 2011! I welcome you with open arms! There are lots of exciting things that will happen in 2011 that I am looking forward to!
First, I am going to be taking two classes at A Gathering of Embroiderers (Jeannine's) in February. One is Sherri Jones' Blue Ribbon Sewing Box Class. This class is a finishing class. So, I am presently in the midst of pre-stitching. I have completed most of the pre-stitching...all but the needlebook. I have posted a picture of my progress. I am also going to be doing several scrimshaw pieces to go along with this project. I have finished the initial threadwinder. The second class I am taking at Jeannine's is her Mystery Class to celebrate her 20 years of her seminar. I'm told it is NOT a sampler. Several designers have put this together; Margriet Hogue, Catherine Theron, Catherine Jordan, Sherri Jones and others! I didn't hesitate signing up for the class because I know it will be awesome! How can you go wrong with all of those designers?
I am taking another class with Sherri Jones the first part of February. My guild, the Virginia Guild of Needlewomen is sponsoring it! Sherri will be teaching her "Garden Variety Long Pocket". This is also a pre-stitch class. Once I finish the needle book in her other class, I will switch over and start this one!
To top the year off, my daughter is getting married in October! I have lots of planning to do!
Like I said, it's going to be a Blue Ribbon Year!
PS: Thank you Sharon S-B for the gentle nudge to post again!
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